Transparent offers Ultra phono interconnects to suit each specific system set up with RCA, DIN, or XLR connections. Cables fitted with the custom Transparent DIN connector have a contoured coupler to create a smooth transition between cable and termination, and are offered with two methods of strain relief to keep the weight of the cable from affecting the performance of your turntable and tonearm system.Transparent DIN couplers are offered with two methods of strain relief to keep the weight of the cable from affecting the performance of your turntable and tonearm system. Transparent also offers a stand-alone DIN > RCA adaptor which can be custom fabricated to precise tonearm, turntable suspension, and phono preamp requirements.
Standard termination: RCA > RCA
Optional terminations: RCA > XLR , DIN > RCA, DIN > XLR
Lengths: 1 meter, 1.5 meter, 2 meter, 10 feet
Custom terminations/lengths/singles always available
Adaptors: XLR > RCA, Custom DIN Tonearm Adaptor
Price = UPH 1 / 1 M = 57,600 thb